Tuesday, 24 June 2008

My dad is off to pakky-land!!!

written by Amanda Bennett

I just wanted to tell everyone that my dad has just gone to paskistan with Paul for about 8 days to visit Yaqoob who used to be in a immagration centre he visited in england and now he has started a church and christian things in Lahor So my dad and paul are going to go to a retreat in the hills of lahor and doing some clases and stuff..it was quite funny one time becuase yaqoob emailed my dad the adress..but the place didnt actually have a proper address so it said something like this....
by the old petrol station
Lahor Hills

Now this is like a completely different address lol but the thing about the petrol staion was true the other bits of the address i cant quite remember..
Well anyhoo he will be staying in a hotel (lucky) and it will be SCORCHING hot (apparently)Please pray that the trip goes well and that it all goes well.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

cHeEkY mOnKeY?????

written by Amanda Bennett

Am i a Cheeky monkey?? Im sure most of my friends and family and people i know could answer that one! Mari especially since she has to share a room with me and she finds out all the cheecky this i do...such as when i go to a carboot even if i have enough money to pay for something which is expensive i pretend that i dont and i only have like a small amount and thne most people say.."awww you can have it for that much" :D maybe in not a cheeky monkey im just plain evil:D MWAH!

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Egyption make-over fun!!!

written by Amanda Bennett

Me and Mari were bored one night and we just COULDNT find anything to do but then we came up with a great idea:D....EGYPTION MAKEOVERS!!!! And well...see how they turned out:D

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Shes the man

written by Amanda Bennett

If you havent seen this movie see it soon...its super funny!

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Campaign - SMILE!

written by Amanda Bennett

I was just thinking how much of a grumpy old sod i am some of the time! And how most of the time im either frowing or looking normal! But not usually smiling (im sure its the same with most of you!) So i am launching a cammpaign...SMILE! Its were every day you chanlege your self not to be a grumpy old sod but a happy creep! Yeah some people may find it creepy! But thats fun! I like being creepy its not normal its random its stupid! Dont you agree????? SO SMILE EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!

Saturday, 7 June 2008

Disaster Strikes....

written by Amanda Bennett

The other day it was tash's b-day and so we needed to make her a cake...but we didnt have the right ingrediants for the cake my mum wanted to make so she asked me to make a simple one for today and she would make the other one for another day. So i set to work making a chocolate cake! I had done almost all the cake it was just time to add the flour, baking powder, salt and chocolate! So i did everything and then did the flour and mixed it all in! After the mixture was finished I had a taste and IT TASTED LIKE CABBAGE! Then i started putting everything that a could in the mixture to make it taste fairly normal but nothing worked...then i looked at the packet ok flour it was GRAM FLOUR and it was made out of chickpea's!!!! So i put it in the oven reluctantly and me and mum went out to the shop to get another cake! And i still have my chickpea cake sitting in the fridge!!

Friday, 6 June 2008

Mandy Moore - Only Hope

written by Amanda Bennett

I love this song! I hoppe you do to! Its fromt he movie a walk to remember!

Wednesday, 4 June 2008


written by Amanda Bennett

Hey everyone i just thought i'd tell u about this retreat i went to recently! Well my dad was organizing it (with other people ofcourse) and so i went with him and Mari (incase you dont know mari she is staying with us for a while she used to live with us like ages ago! She is here with her Dad and brother!) So me and her though of some things to do with the other kids there just incase they got bored in the teachings and preachings! So we did some colouring and painting and brought some movies (devotional) and stuff...quite a lot of my time was spent with the 2 babies/todderlers..Edward (Narcis's boy) and Esther (Pat's daughter) if i am correct neither of them had even turned one yet. All the preachings went well and all the people had a good time! I took a look at the schedule that Mari had printed up and it was jam packed! We stayed in a hotel in Reading owned by Nilesh! (A trustee of touchstone charity) now im not gonna go on and on and bore you! So bye 4 now!

Recent Pics...And Old Pics

written by Amanda Bennett



Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Don't Cha Compilation

written by Amanda Bennett

lol this is soo funny! I actualy stole it off silvia's blog but i thought it was soo god i may as welL! Its part of a song from Alvin and The Chipmunks!

Monday, 2 June 2008


written by Amanda Bennett

Heyz ive been really lazy lately and havent added any posts for like ages! Sooo whatever! Recently Andrew, Mari and David have come to stay with us for a couple moths which is cool! And I just finished my SAT's and sam is in the middle of his GCSE's (pray for him:D)So i should get my results some time soonish! i think at least! My wonderfull cat missie had kittens! As i said before in another post! Now there are 6 and they have opened there eyes!! They are sooo cuuute. We have names some of them but not all of them the ones we names were called....Tiny Tim, Tolose, Pickle and Nala. They are becoming sooo playful recently the other day they were climbing over there barrier and so i put another up and cute little Pickle (my fav one) KNOCKED OVER THE BARRIER! They are desperate to get out and play and be the cutest things that ever lived! (lol) now Im also doing Gym on Tuesdays with my friend Renatta who lives down the road and thats really fun! And now my dad is taking me off the comp much to my distress:D lol! anyhoo bye bye